CSED415: Computer Security (컴퓨터 보안)

The intended audience of this course are senior-level undergraduate students who are interested in computer security. We will cover fundamental computer security concepts and principles including, but not limited to software security, systems security, network security, and cryptography. We will also practice these concepts through hands-on lab assignments and a team project.

ℹ️ Information

  • Instructor: Seulbae Kim
  • Term: Spring 2024 (Feb 20, 2024 ~ June 6, 2024)
  • Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 AM ~ 12:15 PM
  • Location: Room 107, Science Building II

🗓️ Schedule

Part 0: Basics and Principles
Part 1: Attacks and Defenses
Part 2: Cryptographic Primitives and Applications
Midterm Exam and Project Proposal
Part 3: Authentication and Authorization
Part 4: Systems and Software Security
Final Exam and Project Presentation
  • Week 15
    • Lec 27: Project Presentations (1)
    • Lec 28: Project Presentations (2)
  • Week 16
    • Final Exam

Disclaimer: I referred to the course materials of the following professors for the slides: Prof. Jong Kim (POSTECH), Prof. Taesoo Kim (Georgia Tech), Prof. Sangkil Cha (KAIST), Prof. Nickolai Zeldovich (MIT), and Prof. Reluca Ada Popa (UC Berkeley).